

Cycling Studio

Use outdoor cycling techniques w/great music. Try 45, 30, min. or Interval classes. Your instructor takes you on a journey of hill climbs, sprints and flat riding.

Strength HIIT/Sub is Sarah 5/15

Aerobics Studio

This is the Ultimate 30-minute strength and conditioning workout for a full body training session! In this class we will be using dumbbells for a full body low impact interval training session that will have you leaving sweaty and "happy"!!!

Cycle Strength/Tag Team Abby n Paul; 5/15

Cycling Studio

Cycle Strength is the Ultimate fusion of indoor Cycling and Strength training! This class has 4-segments which includes 15-minutes of riding followed by 15-minutes of lower body Strength exercises then back in the saddle for another Intense 15-minute ride. Finishing off with 15-minutes of upper body strength exercises! Bring Wate as You Will leave this […]


Body Combat

Aerobics Studio

Combat total body workout. Burn off those extra calories.


Deep H2O-Let’s Go!

Lap Pool

A Zero-Impact, high-intensity, water workout for all ages in the Deep end of the Lap Pool. Participants are encouraged to wear a flotation belt for proper body alignment. Additional equipment may differ for each class. We work hard and always leave smiling and feeling accomplished. Come and check it out!!



Aerobics Studio

(Low Impact/High Intensity Interval Training). This high energy class is sure to make you sweat with a combination of resistance training mixed with short bursts of low impact/high intensity cardio moves making it suitable for EVERYbody.



Warm Water Pool

Range of movement, core, flexibility and fun in the warm water!


Body Pump

Aerobics Studio

A weighted bar class to sculpt your entire body.



Yoga Studio

Kettlebell works more than one physical attribute, like strength and cardio respiratory fitness. Combine the benefits of muscle toning, cardiovascular conditioning, and muscular endurance. Thus leading to increased strength, improving flexibility, range of motion, fat loss, reduced stress and increased confidence. Join in this newest class offered here at NorthPointe

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