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Cycling Studio

Use outdoor cycling techniques w/great music. Try 45, 30, min. or Interval classes. Your instructor takes you on a journey of hill climbs, sprints and flat riding.


Zumba/Aerobics Studio

Aerobics Studio

Ever wish you could have so much fun at a Fitness Class that you forget it's actually a Workout? Zumba is a total workout, combining all elements of Fitness - Cardio, Muscle Conditioning, Balance and Flexibility; Resulting in boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome. All Fitness levels are welcome, and no dance experience […]


DeepH2O Let’s Go

Lap Pool

A Zero-Impact, high-intensity, water workout for all ages in the Deep end of the Lap Pool. Participants are encouraged to wear a flotation belt for proper body alignment. Additional equipment may differ for each class. We work hard and always leave smiling and feeling accomplished. Come and check it out!!


Cardio/Strength Intervals

Aerobics Studio

Timed strength and cardio intervals of various duration alternating with periods of rest will challenge and improve your strength and endurance giving you a total body workout. Be prepared to sweat!


Aqua Yoga

Warm Water Pool

Yoga postures for mind and body, balance and strength in the Warm Water pool with smoothing music for relaxation


Pilates/Yoga Studio

Yoga Studio

Pilates is a combination of exercises designed to enhance your body's potential by correcting muscular imbalances. You will engage your Core during this class.


Aqua Vitality

Warm Water Pool

Range of movement, core, flexibility and fun in the warm water!


Gentle Yoga

Yoga Studio

Strengthens, stretches, and will help you gain mind/body awareness.

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